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Wiki > Defrag Documentation > DisplayMessage    

CONSOLE COMMAND: displaymessage

  1. Information
  2. Usage Examples
  3. Sample Binds
  4. History

displaymessage [ vertical_position char_size msg ]

1. Information

Center prints a message on screen. Using this command does NOT put the message in a demo (during demo creation). The main use of this command would be to create on-screen messages for video makers. The displaymessage command CAN be used while watching a demo - the main usage of the command.

2. Usage Examples

\displaymessage 100 15 A message with some ^1colored ^2text

3. Sample binds

\bind uparrow "displaymessage 100 20 I can display a message while watching a demo"

4. History

1.90 - Feature introduced with the ghost feature