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Menu script

Are you really the best?

Menu script

Postby #. » Mar 27th, '12, 12:27 pm

Backup your q3config.cfg first!
add this script in to your autoexec.cfg

This script will bind buttons 1,2,3,4 and 5 ( you can modify these w/e you like)

There is menu script i use for moving around servers, there is added all servers what is on serverlist at the moment, all servers wont answer so i didnt add them, but you can add them if you want ofc. Someone told on another chat there was the menu script which had sounds etc so i decided to add sounds there too lol. Feel free to use it 8-)

menu works from buttons only ingame, but when you launch dfengine.exe you can write to console vstr menu1 so the console shows which servers are under first menu.
When you see the server where you want to go, just write vstr menu1a, so dfengine connects to the server which first option menu shows atm. Good as a shortcut, no ip's need to be written.

Button 1 moves around the menu
Button 2 executes option 1
Button 3 executes option 2
Button 4 executes option 3
Button 5 executes option 4

Code: Select all
bind 1 vstr menucycle

bind 2 vstr menuA
bind 3 vstr menuB
bind 4 vstr menuC
bind 5 vstr menuD

// Menu Cycle
set menu1 "vstr 1notice; set menucycle vstr menu2;set menuA vstr menu1A;set menuB vstr menu1B;set menuC vstr menu1C;set menuD vstr menu1D"
set menu2 "vstr 2notice; set menucycle vstr menu3;set menuA vstr menu2A;set menuB vstr menu2B;set menuC vstr menu2C;set menuD vstr menu2D"
set menu3 "vstr 3notice; set menucycle vstr menu4;set menuA vstr menu3A;set menuB vstr menu3B;set menuC vstr menu3C;set menuD vstr menu3D"
set menu4 "vstr 4notice; set menucycle vstr menu5;set menuA vstr menu4A;set menuB vstr menu4B;set menuC vstr menu4C;set menuD vstr menu4D"
set menu5 "vstr 5notice; set menucycle vstr menu1;set menuA vstr menu5A;set menuB vstr menu5B;set menuC vstr menu5C;set menuD vstr menu5D"

set 1notice "echo ^3MENU1 ^12 ^2fox | Defrag Mixed-Runs II (^3VQ3^7/^3CPM^7/^3CTF^7) ^3ip: ^578.46.88.86:27964 ^13 ^1mDd ^7| ^3Defrag ^3Mixed-Runs ^3(^7VQ3/CPM^3) ^3ip: ^578.46.226.125:27960 ^14 ^2fox ^7| ^7Defrag-^3CPM ^7Runs ^7II ^3ip:^578.46.88.86:27962 ^15 ^2fox ^7| ^7Defrag-^3VQ3 ^7Runs ^7II ^3ip: ^578.46.88.86:27960;play \sound\weapons\lightning\lg_hit3.wav"

set 2notice "echo ^3MENU2 ^12 ^3$$^7-Gorgonzola ^1Defrag ^2Megahouse ^3ip: ^589.253.98.102:27960 ^13 ^1mDd^7| ^3Defrag ^3CPM ^3Runs ^3I ^3ip: ^578.46.226.123:27960 ^14 ^7GTK ^4Defrag ^1CPM ^3ip: ^583.243.73.220:27960 ^15 ^2fox ^7| ^7Defrag ^7Freestyle ^3ip: ^578.46.88.86:27970;play \sound\weapons\lightning\lg_hit3.wav"

set 3notice "echo ^3MENU3 ^12  ^2fox ^7| ^7Defrag ^7Fastcap ^7II ^3ip: ^578.46.88.86:27961 ^13 ^1mDd ^7| ^3Defrag ^3Fastcap ^3ip: ^578.46.226.126:27960 ^14 ^2fox ^7| ^71.92.02 ^7Test ^7Server ^7(^3VQ3^7/^3CPM^7/^3CTF^7) ^3ip: ^578.46.88.86:27968 ^15 ^1mDd ^7| ^3Defrag ^3VQ3 ^3Runs ^3I ^3ip: ^578.46.226.124:27960;play \sound\weapons\lightning\lg_hit3.wav"

set 4notice "echo ^3MENU4 ^12 ^7GTK ^4Defrag ^1Freestyle ^3ip: ^583.243.73.220:27962 ^13 ^2fox ^7| ^7Defrag ^7Teamrun ^7(^3VQ3^7/^3CPM^7/^3CTF^7) ^3ip: ^578.46.88.86:27966 ^14 ^7GTK ^4Defrag ^1VQ3 ^3ip: ^583.243.73.220:27961;play \sound\weapons\lightning\lg_hit3.wav"

set 5notice "echo ^3MENU5 ^12 ^7CPM/VQ3 ^4/^7xTc^4/ ^1I ^7 By ^1GameServ ^3ip: ^5196.2.147.209:27960;play \sound\weapons\lightning\lg_hit3.wav"
set menucycle vstr menu2;set menuA vstr menu1A;set menuB vstr menu1B;set menuC vstr menu1C;set menuD vstr menu1D

// Menu 1:
set menu1A "connect;play \sound\weapons\bfg\bfg_fire.wav"
set menu1B "connect;play \sound\weapons\machinegun\machgf4b.wav"
set menu1C "connect;play \sound\weapons\grenade\grenlf1a.wav"
set menu1D "connect;play \sound\weapons\plasma\hyprbf1a.wav"

// Menu 2:
set menu2A "connect;play \sound\weapons\railgun\railgf1a.wav"

set menu2B "connect;play \sound\weapons\rocket\rocklf1a.wav"

set menu2C "connect;play \sound\weapons\shotgun\sshotf1b.wav"

set menu2D "connect;play \sound\weapons\noammo.wav"

// Menu 3:
set menu3A "connect;play \sound\items\l_health.wav"

set menu3B "connect;play \sound\items\damage2.wav"

set menu3C "connect;play \sound\items\s_health.wav"

set menu3D "connect;play \sound\items\use_nothing.wav"

// Menu 4:
set menu4A "connect;play \sound\misc\ar2_pkup.wav"

set menu4B "connect;play \sound\misc\w_pkup.wav"

set menu4C "connect;play \sound\doors\dr1_end.wav"

set menu4D

// Menu 5:
set menu5A "connect;play \sound\items\regen.wav"

set menu5B
set menu5C
set menu5D

This menu script just owns, i got own menu for callvoting some favorite maps, execute different cfg's, and stuff.

Have Fun (lazy ass)

Edited script for executing sound everytime when some menu option executes, since if you typed earlier in console vstr menu1a for example, it justconnected to server, now it has sound also. This works as good shortcut.
Sometimes i HATE the life I MADE everything's wrong EVERYTIME
Pushing on i can't escape, everything that comes my way is haunting me taking its sweet time?
KoRn - Narsissistic Cannibal

Idk, Every day im just shuffling around What The F**K!
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